"जब तक तुम में 'तुम्हारा' और 'मेरा' का भाव रहेगा, तब तक वास्तव में तुम अपने हित के प्रति सचेत नहीं हो I उसे छोड़ दो, शारीर के प्रति मोह को दूर भगाकर, अपने वास्तविक स्वरूप की और मुड़ो"
I As long as discrimination between You and me exist, it is not possible to preceive your own good. Give it up and then look at yourself by throwing away selfishness.
I As long as discrimination between You and me exist, it is not possible to preceive your own good. Give it up and then look at yourself by throwing away selfishness.